Virtual CAREGIVER RELIEF DAY happens every 2nd Thursday of the month. It is a time where you will find SOLUTIONS & SUPPORT for your current CAREGIVING challenge.
No need to get dressed up to leave your house or your office. We will deliver answers, support, information, relaxation and even reflection, right where you are. All you need is to find a comfy chair, get completely relaxed with your note pad, something to write with, a good cup of tea , turn down the TV and the bright lights and if you really want to take this to a higher level, light a lavender candle so that you can start to unwind. Then just dial in and the next thing you know, you will be on line with caregivers all over the globe sharing in the greatest act of love…….caregiving.
Bring your questions from the teleseminar that you are working on and we will make sure we find answers and support for you. You are not alone. If you really want to spark good energy, wear something with turquoise; it is the official color of Caring 4 Caregivers.